Get competition rounds

Audience: NadeoLiveServices


Path parameters:

  • {competitionId} (string) A valid competition ID *

Gets rounds details for a competition ID.


  • There are two different competition IDs which are both supported by this endpoint - the primary id is always numerical, while the liveId is a string typically starting with "LID-COMP-.
  • If a round has a qualifier attached to it (e.g. the TA qualifier in COTD), its associated challengeId can be found in the qualifierChallengeId field. This is what you'd use to get more information about the qualifier, for example when getting the qualifier leaderboards.
  • To retrieve a round's matches (and their results), you can use the round matches endpoint.

Example request:


Example response:

    "id": 9078,
    "position": 0,
    "name": "Quarter Finals",
    "startDate": 1663425300,
    "endDate": 1663427100,
    "lockDate": null,
    "status": null,
    "isLocked": false,
    "autoNeedsMatches": true,
    "matchScoreDirection": "DESC",
    "leaderboardComputeType": "BRACKET",
    "teamLeaderboardComputeType": null,
    "deletedOn": null,
    "nbMatches": 0,
    "qualifierChallengeId": 1805,
    "trainingChallengeId": null
    "id": 9079,
    "position": 1,
    "name": "SemiFinals",
    "startDate": 1663427400,
    "endDate": 1663429200,
    "lockDate": null,
    "status": null,
    "isLocked": false,
    "autoNeedsMatches": true,
    "matchScoreDirection": "DESC",
    "leaderboardComputeType": "BRACKET",
    "teamLeaderboardComputeType": null,
    "deletedOn": null,
    "nbMatches": 0,
    "qualifierChallengeId": null,
    "trainingChallengeId": null
    "id": 9080,
    "position": 2,
    "name": "FINAL",
    "startDate": 1663429500,
    "endDate": 1663431300,
    "lockDate": null,
    "status": null,
    "isLocked": false,
    "autoNeedsMatches": true,
    "matchScoreDirection": "DESC",
    "leaderboardComputeType": "BRACKET",
    "teamLeaderboardComputeType": null,
    "deletedOn": null,
    "nbMatches": 0,
    "qualifierChallengeId": null,
    "trainingChallengeId": null

If a competitionId is invalid, the response will contain a 404 response code.