Get competition leaderboard

Audience: NadeoLiveServices


Path parameters:

  • {competitionId} (string) A valid competition ID *

Query parameters:

  • {length} (integer) The number of participants to retrieve
    Maximum: 255 Default: 10
  • {offset} (integer) The number of participants to skip
    Default: 0

Gets leaderboard for a competition ID.


  • There are two different competition IDs which are both supported by this endpoint - the primary id is always numerical, while the liveId is a string typically starting with "LID-COMP-.
  • If a competition hasn't started yet, all score values will be 0, but there will still be rank values assigned to each player.

Example request:


Example response:

    "participant": "da4642f9-6acf-43fe-88b6-b120ff1308ba",
    "rank": 1,
    "score": 2418,
    "zone": "World|Europe|Belgium|Liège"
    "participant": "aceb463a-ed8e-47d6-bc8d-025c229aca5b",
    "rank": 2,
    "score": 2417,
    "zone": "World|Europe|France|Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes|Rhône"
    "participant": "87e4afbf-fb54-4d60-9ce1-b0698beab097",
    "rank": 3,
    "score": 2416,
    "zone": "World|Europe|Slovakia"
    "participant": "88347e06-f817-4643-b965-0f1e5fcb753c",
    "rank": 98,
    "score": 2321,
    "zone": "World|Europe|France|Île-de-France|Yvelines"
    "participant": "edb9dfe7-d7cf-4add-8a5e-d992fa2a35bb",
    "rank": 99,
    "score": 2320,
    "zone": "World|Europe|Italy|Piemonte"
    "participant": "0d2596bf-b3f4-4b36-8dab-f66c34d8ec74",
    "rank": 100,
    "score": 2319,
    "zone": "World|Europe|Germany|Baden-Württemberg|Stuttgart"

If a competitionId is invalid, the response will contain a 404 response code.