Get competition participants

Audience: NadeoLiveServices


Path parameters:

  • {competitionId} (string) A valid competition ID *

Query parameters:

  • {length} (integer) The number of participants to retrieve
    Maximum: 255 Default: 10
  • {offset} (integer) The number of participants to skip
    Default: 0

Gets participants for a competition ID.


  • There are two different competition IDs which are both supported by this endpoint - the primary id is always numerical, while the liveId is a string typically starting with "LID-COMP-.

Example request:


Example response:

    "participant": "05c82ef9-e6a8-4c83-9897-f747ce51fad5",
    "zone": "World",
    "registration": 1619860645,
    "seed": null,
    "addedBy": "6969eb50-f6e3-4fb5-876e-f264792e3240",
    "team": null,
    "checkInDate": null,
    "groupId": null,
    "skillLevel": null
    "participant": "81fbf9cf-f767-4d1b-a338-8b535de6d1e2",
    "zone": "World",
    "registration": 1619860642,
    "seed": null,
    "addedBy": "6969eb50-f6e3-4fb5-876e-f264792e3240",
    "team": null,
    "checkInDate": null,
    "groupId": null,
    "skillLevel": null
    "participant": "078cb393-1bf8-49dd-b26b-a03771e13144",
    "zone": "World",
    "registration": 1619860638,
    "seed": null,
    "addedBy": "6969eb50-f6e3-4fb5-876e-f264792e3240",
    "team": null,
    "checkInDate": null,
    "groupId": null,
    "skillLevel": null
    "participant": "041d942b-fc48-407c-be97-f32ec9a7d782",
    "zone": "World",
    "registration": 1619860635,
    "seed": null,
    "addedBy": "6969eb50-f6e3-4fb5-876e-f264792e3240",
    "team": null,
    "checkInDate": null,
    "groupId": null,
    "skillLevel": null
    "participant": "a05f508b-abdd-48a1-aa7c-f85039905e33",
    "zone": "World",
    "registration": 1619860632,
    "seed": null,
    "addedBy": "6969eb50-f6e3-4fb5-876e-f264792e3240",
    "team": null,
    "checkInDate": null,
    "groupId": null,
    "skillLevel": null

If a competitionId is invalid, the response will contain a 404 response code.