
This guide will explain how to authenticate with Nadeo's API. There are 2 methods of doing so, one is via a Ubisoft account, and one is via a dedicated server account. Note that the dedicated server account way is easier but imposes some limitations on what you can access with the API, but it could be enough.

Refer to Miss' Nadeo Go package for a complete example.

With a Ubisoft account

Send a POST request to the following URL:

With the following request headers:

Content-Type: application/json
Ubi-AppId: 86263886-327a-4328-ac69-527f0d20a237
Authorization: Basic < (base64-encoded)>

Where the Authorization header is a basic authorization of your Ubisoft email and password (e.g. becomes Basic ZW1haWxAYWRkcmVzcy5jb206cGFzc3dvcmQ=). In Go for example, this is done via SetBasicAuth.

Also, make sure you pass a valid user agent that Ubisoft can understand. Ubisoft blocks certain default user agents, so make sure you pass your own. Include your project name and a way to contact you. (This counts not only for the Ubisoft API, but also Nadeo's API.) For example:

User-Agent: My amazing app /

The response will contain a Ubisoft authentication ticket that you can use for Nadeo's Ubiservices authentication endpoint. Next, send a POST request to the following URL:

With the following request headers:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: ubi_v1 t=<full ubi token>

Where Authorization has your Ubisoft account ticket right after t=.

You also have to provide a request body, which is described below in the Authorization section.

With a dedicated server account

If you don't want to or can't use a Ubisoft account for authentication, you can use a dedicated server account. Note that there are some limitations on what you can do with dedicated server tokens.

Send a POST request to the following URL:

With the following request headers:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <username:password (base64-encoded)>

Where the Authorization header is a basic authorization of your dedicated server account (e.g. username:password becomes Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=). In Go for example, this is done via SetBasicAuth.

You also have to provide a request body, which is described below in the Authorization section.


For both authentication methods described above, you have to provide a body telling the API what to authenticate with. The body of the request must be a Json object with the desired audience name:

{ "audience": "NadeoLiveServices" }

See a mapping of APIs and available audiences here. Note that if you don't provide a json body, you get a token for the audience NadeoServices.

This will give you a JSON web token together with a refresh token:

  "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImVudiI6InRyYWNrbWFuaWEtcHJvZCIsInZlciI6IjEifQ.<payload>.<signature>",
  "refreshToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImVudiI6InRyYWNrbWFuaWEtcHJvZCIsInZlciI6IjEifQ.<payload>.<signature>"

If you URL-base64-decode the payload, you get the following json object:

  "jti": "<uuid>",
  "iss": "NadeoServices",
  "iat": 1595191016,
  "rat": 1595192816,
  "exp": 1595194616,
  "aud": "NadeoLiveServices",
  "usg": "Server",
  "sid": "<uuid>",
  "sat": 1595191016,
  "sub": "<uuid>",
  "aun": "mm",
  "rtk": false,
  "pce": false,
  "ubiservices_uid": "<uuid>"

Where exp defines the expiration time, and rat the time after which you are able to refresh the token.

Token refreshing

To refresh your token, send a POST to the following URL:

With the Authorization header set to nadeo_v1 t=<full refresh token>.

The response is the same as with normal authentication.

Using the token

All game APIs require you to send the obtained token along - the format is always the same.

Simply set the following header on all your requests:

Authorization: nadeo_v1 t=<full access token>

And make sure you're using the correct audience for the endpoint (see the table below).

Making requests from Openplanet

If you need to make requests to APIs from an Openplanet plugin, you don't need to do any authentication yourself. Use the NadeoServices dependency.

Base URLs and audiences

The API base URLs and their necessary audiences are:

URL Audience NadeoServices NadeoLiveServices NadeoLiveServices