Get surrounding records for a score

Audience: NadeoLiveServices


Path parameters:

  • {groupUid} (string) The ID of the group/season *
  • {mapUid} (string) The UID of the map *
  • {lower} (integer) The amount of records to return that are lower than the requested score *
    Maximum: 1
  • {upper} (integer) The amount of records to return that are higher than the requested score *
    Maximum: 1

Query parameters:

  • {score} (integer) The score/time to get surrounding records for *

Gets surrounding records for a score on a map's leaderboard.


  • The groupUid "Personal_Best" can be used to get the global leaderboard.
  • When using a different groupUid, make sure you're only referencing currently open leaderboards. Maps with closed leaderboards will result in an empty response.
  • The lower and upper parameters used to support more than 1, but now no more than one upper and one lower record is returned.
  • This endpoint can sometimes include a delay due to leaderboard calculations happening in the background.
  • If the authenticated account has a record on the requested map, no scores lower than that record can be requested - it's recommended to use this endpoint with an account that does not have any records.
  • This endpoint returns precise positions for the first 100,000 records - anything beyond that is not available at the same level of detail.

Example request:


Example response:

  "groupUid": "Personal_Best",
  "mapUid": "mVkXbeiVyQQXIIJhVQcmiwlGDL8",
  "tops": [
      "zoneId": "301e1b69-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
      "zoneName": "World",
      "top": [
          "accountId": "2a13aa7d-992d-4a7c-a3c5-d29b08b7f8cb",
          "zoneId": "30228671-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
          "zoneName": "Sweden",
          "position": 29,
          "score": 60783
          "accountId": "924598eb-c042-4f12-a189-b7f03c4b83b2",
          "zoneId": "301ff90f-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
          "zoneName": "Stuttgart",
          "position": 30,
          "score": 60785
          "accountId": "794a286c-44d9-4276-83ce-431cba7bab74",
          "zoneId": "302012a4-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
          "zoneName": "Duisburg",
          "position": 31,
          "score": 60797

If the groupUid is invalid (or the referenced leaderboard is closed), the response will be an empty object:


If the map does not exist, the response will be based off an empty leaderboard (i.e. it only shows the requested score):

  "groupUid": "Personal_Best",
  "mapUid": "mVkXbeiVyQQXIIJhVQcmiwlGDL8_fake",
  "tops": [
      "zoneId": "301e1b69-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
      "zoneName": "World",
      "top": [
          "accountId": "caa61df0-7222-492b-8e39-a23ef67a36bd",
          "zoneId": "301e1b69-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
          "zoneName": "World",
          "position": 1,
          "score": 60785