Get season/campaign leaderboard

Audience: NadeoLiveServices


Path parameters:

  • {groupUid} (string) The ID of the group/season *

Query parameters:

  • {length} (integer) The number of records to retrieve
    Maximum: 100 Default: 5
  • {onlyWorld} (boolean) Whether to only retrieve records from the world leaderboard
  • {offset} (integer) The number of records to skip
    Default: 0

Gets the leaderboard for the given group/season/campaign.


  • The groupUid "Personal_Best" cannot be used for this endpoint because it requires a group that refers to a campaign or season.
  • Unlike some other leaderboard-related endpoints that use a groupUid parameter, this one also supports groups/seasons that are already closed.

Example request:


Example response:

  "groupUid": "b44807b9-9284-4730-a184-281069f45b60",
  "tops": [
      "zoneId": "301e1b69-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
      "zoneName": "World",
      "top": [
          "accountId": "f37147a8-36f3-4c58-9577-bf0faff3aafa",
          "zoneId": "301e556c-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
          "zoneName": "Tyrol",
          "position": 1,
          "sp": "254088"
          "accountId": "36460791-6ebe-4aa1-8ba4-8f1eab6acc7a",
          "zoneId": "302240ae-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
          "zoneName": "Norte",
          "position": 2,
          "sp": "189560"
          "accountId": "05477e79-25fd-48c2-84c7-e1621aa46517",
          "zoneId": "30202b1c-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
          "zoneName": "Dresden",
          "position": 3,
          "sp": "184999"
          "accountId": "ba023a24-6fa2-4142-a299-4f85eb2e017f",
          "zoneId": "301f60f6-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
          "zoneName": "Finland",
          "position": 98,
          "sp": "44617"
          "accountId": "172f7930-77e6-4b38-8d97-c461cca430f0",
          "zoneId": "3022b0ab-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
          "zoneName": "Arizona",
          "position": 99,
          "sp": "44495"
          "accountId": "87e8a0b9-fe8f-42e0-a08d-8f39ed56541b",
          "zoneId": "30205761-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
          "zoneName": "Veszprém",
          "position": 100,
          "sp": "44443"

If the groupUid is invalid, the response will be an empty object:
