Get season/campaign ranking for player

Audience: NadeoLiveServices


Path parameters:

  • {groupUid} (string) The ID of the group/season *

Query parameters:

  • {accountId} (string) A player's account ID *

Gets the player's regional ranks for the given group/season/campaign.


  • The groupUid "Personal_Best" cannot be used for this endpoint because it requires a group that refers to a campaign or season.
  • Unlike some other leaderboard-related endpoints that use a groupUid parameter, this one also supports groups/seasons that are already closed.

Example request:


Example response:

  "groupUid": "ee54d6c5-954c-49b9-bd82-b51f8175b3f7",
  "sp": "2809",
  "zones": [
      "zoneId": "301e1b69-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
      "zoneName": "World",
      "ranking": {
        "position": 200000,
        "length": 0
      "zoneId": "301e2106-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
      "zoneName": "Europe",
      "ranking": {
        "position": 90000,
        "length": 0
      "zoneId": "301ff622-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
      "zoneName": "Germany",
      "ranking": {
        "position": 20000,
        "length": 0
      "zoneId": "301ff6b7-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
      "zoneName": "Baden-Württemberg",
      "ranking": {
        "position": 2338,
        "length": 0
      "zoneId": "301ff90f-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4",
      "zoneName": "Stuttgart",
      "ranking": {
        "position": 1409,
        "length": 0

If the groupUid or the accountId is invalid, the response will be an empty object:
