Get club room by ID

Audience: NadeoLiveServices


Path parameters:

  • {clubID} (integer) The ID of the club the room belongs to *
  • {roomID} (integer) The ID of the room to be requested *

Gets the details of a specific club room.


  • Club rooms connected to a dedicated server will have less information available - specifically, maps and scriptSettings will likely be empty.
  • As of 2024-01-17, this endpoint's response links to .dds media files by default, while several scaled .png versions are available using separate fields (see example below for reference).

Example request:


Example response:

  "id": 381929,
  "clubId": 25,
  "clubName": "$s$fffTM $6F9Exchange",
  "nadeo": true,
  "roomId": 137873,
  "campaignId": null,
  "playerServerLogin": null,
  "activityId": 381929,
  "name": "TM Exchange Pack 1",
  "room": {
    "id": 137873,
    "name": "TM Exchange Pack 1",
    "region": "eu-west",
    "serverAccountId": "",
    "maxPlayers": 64,
    "playerCount": 0,
    "maps": [
    "script": "TrackMania/TM_TimeAttack_Online.Script.txt",
    "scalable": true,
    "scriptSettings": {
      "S_TimeLimit": {
        "key": "S_TimeLimit",
        "value": "360",
        "type": "integer"
      "S_DecoImageUrl_WhoAmIUrl": {
        "key": "S_DecoImageUrl_WhoAmIUrl",
        "value": "/api/club/25",
        "type": "text"
      "S_EnableJoinLeaveNotifications": {
        "key": "S_EnableJoinLeaveNotifications",
        "value": "false",
        "type": "boolean"
      "S_ForceLapsNb": {
        "key": "S_ForceLapsNb",
        "value": "-1",
        "type": "integer"
    "serverInfo": null
  "popularityLevel": 0,
  "creationTimestamp": 1683021002,
  "creatorAccountId": "a07f01cd-afb0-4230-9c13-868c1ede28a3",
  "latestEditorAccountId": "a07f01cd-afb0-4230-9c13-868c1ede28a3",
  "password": false,
  "mediaUrl": "",
  "mediaUrlPngLarge": "",
  "mediaUrlPngMedium": "",
  "mediaUrlPngSmall": "",
  "mediaUrlDds": "",
  "mediaTheme": ""