Get a club member by name

Audience: NadeoLiveServices


Path parameters:

  • {clubId} (string) The club's ID *
  • {memberName} (string) The member's display name *

Gets a specific player's information in the context of a club using the player's name.

Example request:


Example response:

  "accountId": "5b4d42f4-c2de-407d-b367-cbff3fe817bc",
  "clubId": 9,
  "role": "Member",
  "creationTimestamp": 1614879432,
  "vip": false,
  "moderator": false,
  "hasFeatured": false,
  "pin": false,
  "useTag": false

If the club does not exist or the player is not a member of the club, the response will contain an empty role and the current timestamp:

  "accountId": "7398eeb6-9b4e-44b8-a7a1-a2149955ac70",
  "clubId": 1,
  "role": "",
  "creationTimestamp": 1661449122,
  "vip": false,
  "moderator": false,
  "hasFeatured": false,
  "pin": false,
  "useTag": false

If the player name can't be resolved to an account, the response will contain an error:
