Get favorited skins

Audience: NadeoServices


Path parameters:

  • {accountId} (string) The account ID of the authenticated user *

Gets the favorited/garage skins data for the currently authenticated user.


  • Because this endpoint only works for the currently authenticated user, it cannot be used by a dedicated server account.
  • The timestamp value for each skin corresponds to when it got added to the user's favorites.
  • This endpoint only returns a skin's identifier - if you need to retrieve the actual skin information, you can use the skin info endpoint.

Example request:


Example response:

    "accountId": "5b4d42f4-c2de-407d-b367-cbff3fe817bc",
    "skinId": "148c3dee-baf8-499f-8f63-757f46a482da",
    "timestamp": "2021-05-18T16:48:16+00:00"
    "accountId": "5b4d42f4-c2de-407d-b367-cbff3fe817bc",
    "skinId": "f056c154-b408-44af-a5e3-8919cc7f3689",
    "timestamp": "2022-02-07T16:11:52+00:00"

If the accountId is invalid, the response will contain an error message (along with status code 400):

  "code": "C-AA-00-03",
  "correlation_id": "ae97862a4d59402deb5f5cdc6a92b643",
  "message": "There was a validation error.",
  "info": {
    "accountId": "Invalid account id."

If the accountId belongs to a user that's not currently authenticated, the response will contain an error message (along with status 403):

  "code": "C-AA-00-05",
  "correlation_id": "6ec3b5614cb3260d39ff279db231ff83",
  "message": "Forbidden."