Get map vote

Audience: NadeoServices


Path parameters:

  • {mapUid} (string) The UID of the map *

Gets the currently authenticated user's vote for a map.


  • Because this endpoint only works for the currently authenticated user, it cannot be used by a dedicated server account.
  • The vote field in the response can be -1 for a dislike, or 1 for a like. 0 indicates the user has not voted or has removed a previous vote again.
  • The voteDate field in the response contains the day of the vote (i.e. the last change to the given map's vote), but not an exact timestamp.

Example request:


Example response:

  "accountId": "5b4d42f4-c2de-407d-b367-cbff3fe817bc",
  "mapUid": "ytKTrmjtk352Ou_7IE3xHWhyj2a",
  "vote": 1,
  "voteDate": "2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00"

If the mapUid is invalid, the response will contain an error message:

  "code": "C-AA-00-03",
  "correlation_id": "60e8a3c2c6233f9408e315b31799b56b",
  "message": "There was a validation error.",
  "info": [
    "mapUid: This value is too long. It should have 27 characters or less."