Get player zones

Audience: NadeoServices


Query parameters:

  • {accountIdList} (string) A comma-separated list of account IDs *

Gets player zones from account IDs.


  • This endpoint is only accessible with tokens authenticated through Ubisoft user accounts (as opposed to dedicated server accounts). If you encounter 401 errors using a dedicated server account, switch to using a Ubisoft account.
  • This endpoint has no intrinsic limit on the number of account IDs requested, but it will return a 414 error if the request URI length is 8220 characters or more (corresponding to just over 200 account IDs, depending on how you encode the URI).
  • To translate zoneId values to names, reference the response from the global zones endpoint.
  • If you'd prefer a response that already contains zone names as well as the full zone hierarchy for a player, take a look at the player trophies endpoint.

Example request:


Example response:

    "accountId": "5b4d42f4-c2de-407d-b367-cbff3fe817bc",
    "timestamp": "2022-08-25T14:29:23+00:00",
    "zoneId": "301ff90f-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4"
    "accountId": "7398eeb6-9b4e-44b8-a7a1-a2149955ac70",
    "timestamp": "2020-06-05T19:32:46+00:00",
    "zoneId": "30209bf3-7e13-11e8-8060-e284abfd2bc4"

If an accountId is invalid, the response will contain an error message:

  "code": "C-AA-00-03",
  "correlation_id": "8646a82e689541aff09f34244d879d88",
  "message": "There was a validation error.",
  "info": {
    "accountIdList": "Invalid account id."