Get campaign/TOTD info for a map

Audience: NadeoLiveServices


Path parameters:

  • {mapUid} (string) The UID of the map *

Gets information about a map's official campaign/TOTD status.


  • This endpoint does not provide any information about whether a map is part of any club campaigns.
  • The officialMaps field in the response is a list of all maps' mapUids that were part of the same seasonal campaign as the requested map.
  • The totdMaps field in the response is a list of all maps' mapUids that were part of the same week as the requested map.

Example request:


Example response:

    "officialYear": -1,
    "season": -1,
    "officialMaps": [],
    "totdYear": 2023,
    "week": 3,
    "totdMaps": [

Example response if the requested map does not exist or is not part of any campaigns or TOTDs:

    "officialYear": -1,
    "season": -1,
    "officialMaps": [],
    "totdYear": -1,
    "week": -1,
    "totdMaps": []