Get map records

Audience: NadeoServices


Query parameters:

  • {accountIdList} (string) A comma-separated list of account IDs *
  • {mapIdList} (string) A comma-separated list of map IDs
  • {seasonId} (string) The ID of the requested group/season

Gets map records for a set of maps and a set of accounts.


  • This endpoint only accepts mapIds - to translate mapUids to mapIds, you can use the map info endpoint.
  • This endpoint has no intrinsic limit on the number of maps/accounts requested, but it will return a 414 error if the request URI length is 8220 characters or more (e.g. corresponding to one map and just above 200 accounts, depending on how you encode the URI).
  • The seasonId parameter does not accept the value "Personal_Best"- to retrieve records on the PB leaderboards, simply omit the seasonId parameter from the URL.
  • By omitting mapIdList you can request all records on all maps for a requested accountId - note that this only works for the currently authenticated account, requesting others' records without specifying mapIds will result in error 403. This feature is not supported when using a dedicated server account's token.

Example request:


Example response:

    "accountId": "b981e0b1-2d6a-4470-9b52-c1f6b0b1d0a6",
    "filename": "Replays\\Downloaded\\1f66ddaf-7f21-4d7a-82d9-5d35b1e95742_b981e0b1-2d6a-4470-9b52-c1f6b0b1d0a6_(0'52''59).replay.gbx",
    "gameMode": "TimeAttack",
    "gameModeCustomData": "",
    "mapId": "1f66ddaf-7f21-4d7a-82d9-5d35b1e95742",
    "mapRecordId": "3b0a7248-1a8c-401e-aa98-5aba5a220637",
    "medal": 4,
    "recordScore": {
      "respawnCount": 4294967295,
      "score": 0,
      "time": 52595
    "removed": false,
    "scopeId": null,
    "scopeType": "PersonalBest",
    "timestamp": "2022-07-26T15:51:42+00:00",
    "url": ""
    "accountId": "b981e0b1-2d6a-4470-9b52-c1f6b0b1d0a6",
    "filename": "Replays\\Downloaded\\919046ce-c77c-43b9-9c24-76544110b076_b981e0b1-2d6a-4470-9b52-c1f6b0b1d0a6_(0'42''9).replay.gbx",
    "gameMode": "TimeAttack",
    "gameModeCustomData": "",
    "mapId": "919046ce-c77c-43b9-9c24-76544110b076",
    "mapRecordId": "ed0b7233-17a2-4a22-a512-29db7a6a0ca2",
    "medal": 4,
    "recordScore": {
      "respawnCount": 4294967295,
      "score": 0,
      "time": 42094
    "removed": false,
    "scopeId": null,
    "scopeType": "PersonalBest",
    "timestamp": "2022-07-25T01:11:41+00:00",
    "url": ""

If a mapId is invalid, the response will contain an error message:

    "code": "C-AA-00-03",
    "correlation_id": "e1a8421f860c4824ee336647f2eab1a3",
    "message": "There was a validation error.",
    "info": {
        "mapIdList": "Invalid uuid."

If an accountId is invalid, the response will contain an error message:

    "code": "C-AA-00-03",
    "correlation_id": "5bcbe4ed58d0da7a1b9184bab60389d1",
    "message": "There was a validation error.",
    "info": {
        "accountIdList": "Invalid account id."