Dedicated server account
If you don't want to or can't use a Ubisoft account for authentication, you can use a dedicated server account. Note that there are some limitations on what you can do with dedicated server tokens (as noted on relevant API endpoint documentation pages).
Setting up a dedicated server account
A dedicated server account is always bound to a Ubisoft account. Visit's dedicated servers page to create a dedicated server account.
Make sure to store the password after creating your account as it can't be retrieved again later.
Note that your dedicated server account is directly associated to a Ubisoft account - if Nadeo/Ubisoft detect API usage they deem unacceptable, restrictions or bans on your dedicated server account may also have consequences for your associated Ubisoft account.
Acquiring a Nadeo API access token
Send the following HTTP request using a tool/library of your choice:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <login:password (base64-encoded)>
User-Agent: <your project/contact information>
{ "audience": "NadeoLiveServices" }
The Authorization
header uses Basic HTTP authentication for your dedicated server account credentials (e.g. username:password
becomes Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
In Go for example, this is done via SetBasicAuth - other languages and libraries have their own utility methods for the same purpose.
The body of the request must be a JSON object with the desired audience name. The audience(s) you need depend on the APIs and endpoints you intend to interact with.
URL | Audience |
---|---| | NadeoServices | | NadeoLiveServices | | NadeoLiveServices |
Note that if you don't provide a body, you get a token for the audience NadeoServices
If you plan to interact with API endpoints that require different audiences, you need to request multiple tokens and manage them separately.
Next steps
The response body contains an access_token
and a refresh_token
which you can use for your API requests. See the token usage guide for information on how to use and manage tokens.